Writer’s Life after 3 degrees

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Writer’s Life after 3 degrees

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: PhD

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Writers Life after 3 Degrees
I want to get admitted to the grad program in Nursing because this degree means a lot to me, both professionally and personally. After being a graduate in Nursing, my aspiration is to serve a patient population comprised of children and adolescents suffering from learning difficulties due to autism or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. I would focus on early diagnosis of such problems in my care settings and provide quality and patient-centric care, so the children can be successfully rehabilitated. The chosen specialty of preferred practice stems from my personal experience. I realize how it pains for a child, and his or her parents whose child suffers from dyslexia and ADHD. In fact, I grew up with dyslexia and ADHD, and I cannot forget the struggle, that my family and I went through during my childhood.
I was perturbed and confused; I did not understand why schooling was more difficult for me than other students. I never felt motivated to go to school and did not enjoy the company of other students in my class. My results were poor and I never felt interested in studies. I had a feeling that I am different from the rest of the individuals and something is wrong with me. Such feelings made me sad and I remained depressed most of the time during my childhood days. When other children played, I sat on my balcony and watched at them. I never had friends in school that was very pa…

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