Writer’s c.hoice

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Writer’s c.hoice

Category: Memoir Essay

Subcategory: Visual Arts

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Effects of backlog and patent infrengement
Student’s Name
University Affiliation
Question One
Research indicates that the number of patent applications awaiting approval process by the examiner is about 718,835. Practically, this is a very large number of workload as compared to the number of manpower available. Therefore, there is need to do something in haste to save or to make USPTO services more convenient and efficient(Hubel, 2012). Basically, delays are caused by long and complicated procedures that designs have to undergo before the inventor can own its right. In the initial stage,design has to be sorted to identify which class of designs it lies. On my point of view,I would request the government to increase the budget of USPTO as this will facilitate the organization’s daily businesses as they will be able to fund most of the operations pertaining to patents verification and approval. By doing so, organization will be able to mange manage and add its work forces and the entire process will be carried out at a relatively time than usual. On the other hand, if USPTO gets the budget increment, then it should check all the loopholes in their structure that is causing the continued backlog delay after another.
On my point of view, the filling fee should not be adjusted. The reason behind this argument is because most of the inventors are just individuals who include pupils, students in the higher level of learning and ordinary persons with distinguished ta…

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