Why Golf is not a sport

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Why Golf is not a sport

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Zoology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Why Golf is Not a Sport
Thesis Statement: Although people have argued that golf is not a sport, further examination shows that golf is a sport because of all that one takes in playing the game.
Golf has raised discussions as to whether it is a sport or otherwise owing to the nature in which it is played and how it is managed. Studies weigh that golf is half a sport and half, not a sport (Bailey and Mike 11).
II. Description of topic
The discussion about gold being a sport or not on many occasions have evoked emotions amongst people, and from the fair point of view, one can quickly tell that the golf is half a sport and half not.
III. How golf is a sport
Golf is a sport because golf involves competitions just like other sports and the players in all manner of ways execute energy in the event of playing the game. Just like any other sport, golf entails the use of skills for one to outwit other players and come out as the best like in the case of other games. The argument of whether golf is a spot has in many discussions faced with the opposition with opposite opinions
IV. How golf is not a sport
Golf is argued not be a sport because of the nature in which the game is handled. There seems to be less effort in the players of golf than the effort put in other sports say for instance football and rugby. The golf players take golf as a hobby, and in most occasions, the players are the rich and people of class (Bailey and …

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