which religion is MOST similar to Christianity or which religion is LEAST similar to Christianity.

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which religion is MOST similar to Christianity or which religion is LEAST similar to Christianity.

Category: Essay Outline

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

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Professor’s Name
Differences between Christian and Islamic religionsIntroduction
Islamic and Christianity are the two most practiced religions in the world. They both share a conviction in one God who made the world and cared for the beliefs and behavior of human beings. They share much mutual ground as they both trace their origin to Abraham. They both have faith in prophecy, in the resurrection of dead, God’s messengers, revelation, the importance of religious community and the Holy Scripture. They both have a communitarian aspect that is; Christians have the church as their worshipping place while the Muslims have the “umma” over their worshipping place. In spite of these remarkable similarities, conversely, these two religions of the world possess several significant differences as well. This essay tries to put across a number of the different beliefs that the two religions uphold as they seek to coexist.
In the first case, Christians and Muslims believe there only exist one God / Allah. But how they conceptualize God in their particular theologies is entirely different. The stress of the Islamic religion of God is summarized only by one word that is ‘tawhid’, meaning the absolute unity. They claim that there is no difference within the Godhead. To them, God is sublimely one. This is the issue that has raised an eyebrow with their counterpart, Christians, who has the doctrine of Trinity. This has been the central principle causing is…

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