Whats the impact of effective female leadership practices during times of crisis as compared to men

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Whats the impact of effective female leadership practices during times of crisis as compared to men

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: Masters

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Crisis Leadership: The Impact of Effective Female Leadership Practices as Compared to men, a cross-cultural evaluation.
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Crisis Leadership: The Impact of Effective Female Leadership Practices as Compared to men, a cross-cultural evaluation.
Today’s world, whether it is the economic, societal or cultural aspect, demands competent leaders. Quick and witty decisions have to be made on a whim and in most instances of crises, there is little to no time to think. The question thus emerges of who between men and women make better leaders and ultimately who makes better choices during times of crisis. This is especially considering women are still largely underrepresented in positions of leadership even in today’s society. This paper aims to research crisis leadership. The purpose of the research is to investigate what the impact of effective female leadership practices is as compared to their male counterparts.
Background and Significance
One of the most important things for any organization or firm that is looking to hire is to understand the behavior of a chosen leader. Traditionally, agencies have been unwilling to offer women such positions based on among other reasons, how they handle pressure. Women have stepped out of men’s shadow to become a domineering force as well as make rational and competent decisions during times of crisis. In any organizational setup, a crisis is bound to occur. Thus,…

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