what needs to be in the letter and how it needs to be done its in the instructions

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what needs to be in the letter and how it needs to be done its in the instructions

Category: Profile Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Receive greetings from me and the entire school fraternity. This letter has been sent to inform you of some important updates on our incorporation of learning centers for the better development of our children. A Learning Center is a place where students can work in small groups within the classroom. In these groups, they work together as a team on projects assigned with a goal to finish within a stipulated deadline.as each group completes their assignments they move to the next centers. It is a dedicated space in a classroom that has relevant items to teach the children on that particular subject example a music center, an art center, and an environmental center. Different subjects are integrated as they handle similar topics which teach children about various aspects of life. This learning in centers helps the teachers to know the children better, their interests and talents which is very vital in their development as well as shaping their attitudes and emotional behaviors. As they work as a team, it will be critical for them to be open to one another in the actions they take and engage their problem-solving skills to move to the next activity. As the children are working in the LCAs, my role as the teacher is to observe what they are doing, take notes on what behavior needs correction in different groups and individuals.
I plan to use procedures for developmentally appropriate practices DAP which include creating a kind community of students, t…

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