What are the main problems associated with using plastic bags? Identify solutions reduce these problems

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What are the main problems associated with using plastic bags? Identify solutions reduce these problems

Category: Common App Essay

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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Assignment Question: What are the main problems associated with using plastic bags? Identify solutions reduce these problems?
Word Count: 1292
City University Student Number:

Main problems associated with using plastic bags and solutions to reduce these problems
People make use of plastic bags in their daily lives for different functions. They are important components that help individuals inside the house and around the environment. Plastic bags are used in restaurants, clothing stores, grocery stores and bookstores to carry different purchased products. Many homes make use of the commodities to frame their screens, keep refrigerated foods and other crucial functions. The bags are made from petroleum and natural gas which are relic fuel sources. Unfortunately, their production and use have led to various problems in the environment, which need to be checked to ensure human safety. The chemicals from the bags usually find their way into the water system and since they are known to be non-biodegradable, they exist everywhere leading to pollution. Combating the menace of plastic bags is vital, and this can lead to an environment that is clean and healthy.
Plastic bags are used by the majority of people around the globe (Convery et al., 2007). It is estimated that every year over one trillion bags is used by individuals for various reasons. They are convenient because they are light, in…

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