what are the advantages and disadvantags of legalising the use of marijuana *for medical purposes?

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what are the advantages and disadvantags of legalising the use of marijuana *for medical purposes?

Category: Evaluation Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 3

Words: 825

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English 101
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Legalising The Use Of Marijuana For Medical Purposes
Gone are the days when people used to die suffering from diseases under the absence of medicine and treatment. In the last decade, field of science and medicine has led to several innovations and modification in medicine and treatment process. Enhanced technology has helped to take the best out of plants and drugs that have been used illegally for recreational purposes since several years, and hence a debate all over the world has cropped up regarding making certain drugs legal so that it can be used in the field of medicine (Temple et al. 238-44). One of such plan/drug is marijuana. According to SAMHSA, 2014, marijuana is among the popular illicit drug in the United States and basically used by young people.
The hemp plant, Cannabis sativa is the source of marijuana, which are basically the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds. Marijuana has been found relieving certain illness due to presence of certain chemicals. A lot of states have already legalized marijuana for medical use. For instance, laws regarding the use of marijuana for the treatment of various medical conditions have already been passed by20 states and Washington, DC since 1996. However, it must be noted that no changes have been brought into the marijuana laws by these state, they have still kept the fact open and clear that usage of marijuana is…

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