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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: University

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Waterfall and Agile
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Software development has become popular in recent times with more and more software coming up each year. There is, therefore, need to know about the different software processes before any purchase. The waterfall and agile methodologies are one of the most common in software development. Waterfall methodology is a process that follows a step by step design, i.e., the developers complete one stage before moving on to the next, and when one stage is completed. Agile methodologies, on the other hand, can be referred to as those that are guided by the Agile Manifesto, which is some principles that guide the development process and include response to change, collaboration, a working software, and interactions before other things. Extreme programming has various advantages over other methodologies which include better satisfaction, resilience, and robustness among others. Developers can also respond faster to changing customer requirements even in later development stages. Some of the factors to consider while choosing the best methodology include communication, organizational structure, training, and culture.
Keywords: Waterfall methodology, Agile methodology, Extreme programming, Software
Waterfall methodology is a process that follows a step by step design, i.e., the developers complete one stage before moving on to the next, and when one stage is completed, there is no going back. The various stages of the m…

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