Vulnerabilities at Work

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Vulnerabilities at Work

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: Academic

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Vulnerabilities at Work
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The modern work environment has become increasingly interconnected. The increasing reliance on networks is an advantage, but can also pose major challenges to security. The greatest vulnerability in networks for organizations is unpatched networks. The reason for this is the possibility of hacking using this vulnerability. Hackers have a major security impact to organizations, ranging from simple denial or service to stealing of vital information and using it to harm the company. Simple patching of networks is necessary, but this is not the solution. This is because without identifying it, remedies cannot be put. The main solution is the implementation of a comprehensive security plan for the entire company.
Table of Content
Table of content……………………………………………………………………………………3
Description of the Vulnerability…………………………………………………………………..4
The Reasons for its Importance ………….………………………………………………………6
The Impact of this Vulnerability on Organizations………………………………………,………6
How …

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