Using Euthanasia for a Peaceful Departure

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Using Euthanasia for a Peaceful Departure

Category: Application Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Using Euthanasia For A Peaceful Departure
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According to the statistics, when a cancer patient goes for be treatment, it has shown that more than or almost 70% of the patients feel the pain of the treatment of some diseases like cancer and more than or about 30% of them would wish to end their life. As a result, it is more important to choose a technique to make them feel comfortable or easy their pains by assisting them get rid of the pain, so euthanasia is more likely the patients’ preference. In fact, euthanasia is a word derived from Greek, meaning “good death”, and it can help a patient to relieve his or her pain and suffering. While in this present form of society, voluntary euthanasia is considered legal in Japan, Switzerland and a few states of America, so therefore more patients do not have the entitlement to euthanasia. Although people cannot decide their birth date, they can choose the way they can die. However, euthanasia should be an option for the patient with congenital disease and the cancer patient should have entitlement to choose what kind of euthanasia to be used for him or her to die.
“Each year, approximately about a dozen babies are born with congenital disease, which is about 1 in every 200 babies born”. A large number of people who are born with congenital disorder, which is unfortunate, not all of the people can live just like a normal person. Furthermore, congenital diseases patients are…

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