USing block or altenating comparison contrast structure

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USing block or altenating comparison contrast structure

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

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Analysis of the Pathos
Thesis Statement
In 2001, David Sedaris was named as the humorist by Time Magazine. He grew up in North Carolina, and after graduating from the Institute of Art in Chicago, he later moved to New York and engaged in various odd jobs. In 1993, he launched his new career as a humorist, after reading Santa Land Diaries on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition. Also, in 2001, Sedaris received the Thurber prize for American humour after contributing to various commentaries on the Public Radio’s Morning Edition. The paper presented focuses on pathos and its persuasion by appealing to the reader’s emotions on the analysis of the book “Remembering my Childhood on the Continent of Africa.”, (Sedaris, 251)
Analysis of the Ethiopian Road Trip
During his fifth grade, Hugh and his classmates took a field trip to see the Ethiopian slaughter house. Since Hugh was residing in Addis Ababa, the trip was arranged owing to its convenience so that they could get a chance to learn something new outside their school curriculum, (Kopelson, 190). During their tour, the class witnessed the scenes of a wrinkled man feeding on rotten goat meat and feeding some to hyenas. At the slaughterhouse, they witnessed a pig get shot straight in the head. They also visited the bedroom of a former dictator where they saw stained curtains covered in blood. However, such childhood stories lack the gist and motion associa…

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