Trifles Tragic Elements

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Trifles Tragic Elements

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Tragic Elements in Trifles
Although Trifles does not obey the structure and traditions of a Greek tragedy, it can neither be viewed to be a comedy. The play by Glaspell is full of suspense and drama that attempts to portray spousal abuse. It cannot be thought to be a tragedy since the events and scenes emancipate from a response towards domestic violence. The central theme in the play is gender (Ben-Zvi 142). As the men try to look for evidence to incriminate Minnie, they tend to ignore the trifles or signs that portrays her emotional status. On the other hand, women can sympathize with her because they can relate to what she was suffering from. To support this theme, the author uses elements of theatre such as the use of single action and doubles. This aspect argues that a tragedy should be finalized in a single place and should not take more than a day. The play employs this strategy as it takes place in one room and under 24 hrs. In the scene, the entrance of the men gives time for the women to exchange ideas, and when they come back, they prevent the women from making important decisions. Thus, by ensuring that women remain silent, men are able to control them. On the other hand, the author uses the aspect of doubles to bring about symbolism. The play portrays the characters as pairs. However, when the couple breaks down, as in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, the county attorney comes into play. This is becau…

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