TITLE: Patient Centered Care and Bedside Reporting: A Family Approach to Holistic Nursing and Personal Satisfaction in Acute Neuroscience Rehabilitation Unit

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TITLE: Patient Centered Care and Bedside Reporting: A Family Approach to Holistic Nursing and Personal Satisfaction in Acute Neuroscience Rehabilitation Unit

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Name of the Student
Professor’s Name
Research Proposal
9th December, 2015
We are apprised of the fact that your esteemed organization encourages research in the field of patient satisfaction and benefits, especially who are challenged with special needs. From a preliminary review of your category of grants, it seems that, we are eligible for such funding. Our application for the research grant is based on the proposed study “Patient Centered Care and Bedside Reporting: A Family Approach to Holistic Nursing and Personal Satisfaction in Acute Neuroscience Rehabilitation Unit.”
As you are aware, that Patient-Centric approach has been recognized and endorsed through various studies and guidelines, for ensuring positive health outcomes in critically ill patients. However, few studies have been done in Neuroscience Rehabilitation Units, regarding the impact of patient-centric care and health outcomes in patients. Individuals who are admitted in these units are challenged with diverse health care needs, and the major issue is the communication gap with healthcare providers in expressing their need.
Neurosciences Rehabilitation units sustain patients with cognitive deficits and dementia. These patients are unable to express their needs to the health care providers which often impact their health outcomes. Building patient-centric approaches like personal relationship with patients, helps to assess and estimate the health care needs …

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