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Category: Autobiography Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Titanic Movie Review

Titanic is a movie that can be viewed from many dimensions. I decide to take it as a good movie. I would like to write about this movie from an entertainment point of view. This is because it is very entertaining and educative. It teaches us several values in life. Caledon at the start of the movie we can hear him say that Titanic was a well-made ship and one of its kind and he was sure that under no circumstance can it sink. He went ahead and told his mother in law the same. During the dinner that they held with the captain and other noble people who were considered as the haves, he could be heard talking more about how good the ship was. But later this all changed, the ship hit an iceberg and it capsized and lots of lives were lost. The whole issue of saying that the ship could not sink did not stop the fact that the ship capsized. The good thing about all these is that when the ship sunk, it seemed that all the people stood together at a certain point and they were all ready to help one another. Those that could use the life boats were given the chance to do that and although most of them died due to the cold in the sea, it was good to see how they all cooperated in this.
The other admirable thing about this movie is the relationship between Jack and Kate which was the main part of this movie. It all started when Kate wanted to kill herself and Jack came and tried to tell her not to do all that and somehow Kate listened to her and she did not do it. …

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