Think about the changing landscape of media finance and how it has impacted journalism in the twenty-first century.

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Think about the changing landscape of media finance and how it has impacted journalism in the twenty-first century.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: International

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Media Financing
Student’s Name
Media Financing
Media plays a central role in informing people about what happens in the world. Media firms sometimes receive funds from the government, politicians, corporations and other groups for their operations. Mostly, there is no transparency in media financing from public funds, and this allows for corrupt activities. Those with power know that media influence is crucial for manipulation and this undermines democracy. Proprietors of media organizations use them for their advantages, and they also control what the media can publicize. Therefore, I think media houses are not truly free because these proprietors will always want to control the content they deliver to the public.
I believe that media can be free from external influences through formal and informal ways. First, in many states, the constitution lays down rules regarding the independence of media through acts and regulatory provisions (Karppinen & Moe, 2016). These laws if followed can free media from external influences. Moreover, these laws also stipulate how funding and external supervision can be carried out. Secondly, the media can be free from external influences through self-regulation (Karppinen & Moe, 2016). Journalists can be free by following professional and ethical guidelines which ensure that they don’t compromise the freedom of media.
Media funding can have both negative and positive implications. First, the funds these organizati…

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