There are Several Study Techniques that will help a student learn more efficiently

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There are Several Study Techniques that will help a student learn more efficiently

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

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There are Several Study Techniques to help a Student Learn More Efficiently
Several students are normally left behind by the modern education systems. Therefore is need for one to develop the necessary study skills that will help him learn more efficiently. According to Dunlosky “improving educational outcomes will require efforts on many fronts, but a central premise of this monograph is that one part of a solution that involves helping students to regulate better their learning by the using effective learning techniques” (4). There are several study techniques that can be used to help students achieve their learning goals and improve their performance. In this excerpt, I will examine examples of techniques that can be used in helping students learn more efficiently.

It is imperative for the learner to engage in elaborative interrogation. This requires the learner to seek explanations for different actions, states and events while studying. The power of explanations can be harnessed in all situations to promote the process of learning (Dunlosky et al 6). It is also essential for the learner to answer the question why? This can be done by conducting research on the topic of study.
The second study technique that is important is spacing out study sessions. Research has shown that the brain functions well if learner’s study sessions are spaced out well for each study class. Learning experts recommend that a learner should spend at least two…

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