Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Their Eyes Were Watching God

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

The paper focuses on the several changes that occurred throughout the life of Janie, who is a protagonist in the novel. The changes witnessed I the novel are internal changes that are the response to the external events in the story. We witness several changes in the first fifteen chapters which most of the changes being internal changes. Some of these changes such as her first marriage, her second marriage, and her third marriage are the response to the external events and have been discussed below.
One of the most significant external changes witnessed in the first ten chapters of the novel is the desire of the grandmother that arise for her to get a potential husband who will who will enable her to attain higher social status in the society. The external change gives rise to her first marriage to former Logan Killicks. The other external change is where Joe takes Janie to Eatonville, which is known to be a black city in America. What follows is Joe managing to be the next mayor of the town giving him a “big voice.” Her husband Joe becoming a mayor is an external change that translates her life as a mayor’s wife.
The novel brings a scenario where Janie watches a bee on a pear tree in her backyard pollinating a flower. The situation of the bee overwhelms her with an obsession of getting a true love. The Joe’s wealth is not a big deal to her. It is followed by her maturity and emotional growth through three marria…

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