the sound and fury final work

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the sound and fury final work

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
The story The Sound and fury developed by William Faulkner is set in Jefferson, Mississippi, and centers on the Compson’s family. It applies a variety of different writing and narrative styles and techniques as evidenced in the writing styles adopted by various authors during the 20th European Century novelists. The method is known as the stream of consciousness. The Compson family are a group of southern aristocrats who have been struggling in dealing with family issues that is facing separation and. They are therefore much concerned about rebuilding the family’s reputation that has been destroyed over the course of 30 years as depicted in the novel. It faces significant challenges that risk its existence through regular losses, financial ruin, and fall of its religious faith and respect in their hometown Jefferson.
Character analyses
Quentin Compson
Quentin Compson is a young man that has qualified to join Harvard University speaking in June 1910. The family relies on his education thus they sell a piece of their land to cater for his education. He later commits suicide while in his first year at the University. Their father, Mr. Compson is an old man who has drowned into alcoholism. The family fails to secure the only family property and land that the grandparents had protected until the civil war period.
Mr. Jason Compson III
He is the cynical head of the Compson family who subscribes to …

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