The Role of Business Information System

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The Role of Business Information System

Category: Report Essay

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Business Information System
Institution Affiliation
Information technology has earned itself an important spot in the business environment over time irrespective of an organization being profit or nonprofit organization. Various technologies have been developed in the business sector hence this paper is going to describe various vital technologies of business information systems that are used where I work at and further giving an insight into how these business information systems are affecting the organization in terms of its operations and delivery of products (goods and services ) to the clients. The impact the business information systems have had on the organizational work behavior and how it has fastened and improved various process within the organization will also be discussed. Finally, a summary of the importance of business information and the need to encourage various managers irrespective of their organizations to understand can be adopted and institutionalized for the greater good of the organization will be the last bit of this work.
Keywords: information, technology, organization, management.
Several companies and organizations are using technologies to run their day to day activities. This has led to crop up of IT divisions for overseeing networks, computers and other areas within their business. The following are the important technologies in the BIS in my organization;
Inventory Management
It’s crucial for the organization to …

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