The relationship between some text features and comprehension (e.g. features that make texts more less “considerate.

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The relationship between some text features and comprehension (e.g. features that make texts more less “considerate.

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Text comprehension is defined as “demonstrating understanding of the text at the mental model level by generating inferences, interpreting, paraphrasing, translating, explaining, or summarizing information” (Otero, Lecentsn, & Graesser, 2014: p. 17). There are various studies based on the cognitive science illustrating the understanding of text in relation to its comprehension for children (Chambres, Izaute&Marescaux, 2002). Such studies develop theoretical models for the comprehension process and test the predictions of the model by collecting empirical data from readers (Readence, J & Barone, 1997). Growth in reading is considered one of the most successful undertakings for most of the students (Searfoss, 1997).
This research paper is aimed at highlighting certain text features and methods of reading comprehension. It is based on qualitative research carried out through various scholarly articles and educational reports. A brief overview is presented to highlight recent research on the topic and presents various factors, such as level of interest and their effect on comprehension in reading. The relationship between comprehension and text features is explored through the rest of this paper. In this paper, methods will be sought for improving the learning of students, grade three and higher, through textual structures and features. As will be discussed in detail shortly, instructors who are more aware and more targeted in their use of textual …

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