The Misconception of Muslims as Terrorists

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The Misconception of Muslims as Terrorists

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: World Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Misconception of Muslims as Terrorists
Over the years, Muslims have been associated with terrorism. Anytime there is a terror act, Muslims are usually taken as the first suspects even when they were involved with the crimes. However, it has continually emerged that non-Muslims conduct some of the crimes. Radicalized Americans have been joining the terrorist groups and taking part in Terror attacks (Aaronson 32). For instance, a very high number of anti-government groups have emerged recently with the objective of starting a war against the government (Rukmini 2). While there is still a large number of Muslims who are involved in terrorism, there has been a new revelation that some of the domestic attacks are planned, organized and perpetrated by domestic residents (Barton 26). In most cases, these are people who are trying to do some revenge against the government or who have become radicalized.
The mentality that Muslims are the only terrorists has not only been as a result of misinformation but has also been a significant reason for the misdirection of security agents as they end up arresting the wrong suspects. Most terror groups have a Muslim origin, and this has been the reason as to why people of Islam religion are usually taken as the first suspects. While it would increase the chances of getting the right terrorists if comprehensive profiling was conducted, it should be noted that Muslims still p…

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