The Horse the Wheel and Language Extended Book Review

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The Horse the Wheel and Language Extended Book Review

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 11

Words: 3025

Course number
Contemporary Central Asia has been described as a country amidst political upheaval. The book, the Shadow of the Silk Road seeks to place the current events in the context of the Silk Road, a historic feature that holds with it a lot of meaning in shaping social, political and even religious events. This book explores events during a journey through the Silk Road, one of the greatest land routes in history. The Silk Road had been a trade route for thousands of years, a fact that led to intercultural interaction and even led to the forging of new social interactions and entities. It has been argued that the Silk Road was the center of diversity and Thubron highlights that simply following the Silk Road; one had chosen to follow diversity. This road, which has been described in the book as being the greatest land route, originates from the contemporary Peoples the Republic of China, cuts through central Asia navigating areas such as Afghanistan, Kurdish area of Turkey and Iran before finally ending in the shores of the Mediterranean Sea CITATION Thu12 l 2057 (Thubron 2012). This paper seeks to relate the Silk Road to the numerous events that came to be associated with it. This text is an association of various books that are related to the Silk Road phenomenon.
With its creation credited to Ferdinand von Richthofen, this route has for ages become famous as both a trade route and the source of…

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