The growing instability in Latin America is creating greater geopolitical concerns for the United State of America that can only be resolved through hard power

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The growing instability in Latin America is creating greater geopolitical concerns for the United State of America that can only be resolved through hard power

Category: Argumentative Essay

Subcategory: International Relations

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Use of Dialogue by the US in Latin America
Institutional Affiliation

Use of Dialogue by the US in Latin America
Hard power is the use by one country military action or economic sanctions towards another country often the sanctions are imposed on a lesser nation regarding military or economic strength (Escobar, 2018). There is growing instability in Latin American countries particularly Bolivia, Venezuela and Cuba as the regimes seek to hold on to power while the people are opposed to it. This instability can lead to the citizens of the US feeling afraid as they are the border nation that can attract new immigrants to seek refuge (Fukumi, 2016). However, if the concerns about the threat are true, there are other ways in which the US can deal with the issue without the use of hard power.
The US government can seek ways such as a soft power to deal with the imminent danger. The government can send diplomats and other state officials who can exert influence in the countries. The diplomats can discuss ways in which the regimes can hand over power peacefully (Prebisch, 2016). In Bolivia the leftist president is being opposed by his people, the US diplomats can seek to cool the situation by pledging to assist in the elections as observers such that the people can effectively elect the leader they desire.
By the use of soft power, the US will have leverage over the region.
Soft power creates leverage hence there is room for dialogue when situations get out of hand. Th…

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