The everlasting impact of Jacque-Louis David’s The Death of Marat on politics and right to free speech

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The everlasting impact of Jacque-Louis David’s The Death of Marat on politics and right to free speech

Category: Article

Subcategory: Art

Level: College

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

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The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David and its Impact on the Free Speech
In our introduction, we shall focus on the painting itself. That is: how was it elaborated; the reasons we chose the painting; its current location; its style and the technique used; and when it was finished. We consider that speaking about the painting, before speaking about its implications and impact would be of greater importance, since by understanding the painting’s origin we would be able to establish parallelisms and connections between it and our prospective subject.
Painting elaboration. The Death of Marat, by Jacques-Louis David, is an oil on canvas painting done in the year of 1793.
Reasons for choosing that particular painting. In this paper, we aim to size the importance of the death of Marat to the revolutionary France; also, we also intend to assess how, and on which ways, the painting can talk about the impact of Jacques-Louis David work regarding the free speech. This painting, besides being a stunning example of neoclassic art, serves its purpose of conveying its message of turning Marat into a hero of classic proportions. Marat’s death, in the highest point of his career, serves to attest to how it is possible for a person to accomplish so much, yet die at any instant. The painting speaks to us about the inevitability of death, and the dangerous times he lived in. To attest his death, serves us to understand …

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