The development of dominant- minority group relations in preindustrial America

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The development of dominant- minority group relations in preindustrial America

Category: Math Problems

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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The Development of Dominant and Minority Group Relations in Preindustrial America Most people living in the New Worlds between 1600 and the 19th century depended directly on agriculture to get their food, shelter and other essential needs in life (“Origins of Slavery” 53). In a society dominated by agriculture, land and labor are obviously a core concern. The scuffle to control these resources led to the development of three minority groups: The African Americans, Native Americans and finally The Mexican Americans (“Origins of Slavery” 54). Two theories can help one get a better understanding of the dominant-minority group relations; the Daniel Noel Hypothesis and the Robert Blauner Hypothesis (“Origins of Slavery” 54). This paper seeks to understand and explain the emergence of the dominant and minority groups as well as the issues controlling and justifying the process.
According to the hypotheses mentioned above; the nature of the relations between the dominant and minority groups at any given time reflect the society’s characteristics as a whole. The state of a minority group will mirror the everyday life realities and specifically the “subsistence technology” (“Origins of Slavery” 54).The “subsistence technology” of a community affects all other phases of the social arrangement, including dominant-minority group relations. The conditions under which different groups first come into cont…

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