the current debates in education

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the current debates in education

Category: Exemplification Essay

Subcategory: Politics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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[Professor’s Full Name]
The Current Debates in Education
In America, public education has been one of the most critical issues since 1983.A reform movement led by Horace Mann won widespread support for the need to make education available for all the children in America. Reformers always believed that Education would, in the long run, help children to become good citizens and thus able to escape poverty. The system of public education was created with two main purposes; prepare the youths for success in careers also to provide skills and knowledge so as to be engaged and informed citizens. The reforms helped correct inequality and discrimination in American education.
In recent decades, the debate over improvement of public education has highly received attention in the USA. Idea reforms have been directed to charter school experimentation, teacher reforms and charter education with addition of addressing non-school factors. Charter schools have recorded fast rate of growth in American education. They are funded by public funds, however, managed by private groups. The charter proponents are to offer the school choices that will allow parents to decide on a better public school in performance than the alternative school that they may have assigned. On teacher reforms, questions on training, evaluation, tenure and better educators has been on board. However, some reforms are found advocating against each other a factor that has…

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