Texas congressional race pits Jerry Jones vs. former NFL player

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Texas congressional race pits Jerry Jones vs. former NFL player

Category: Informative Essay

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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In Texas congressional race pits Jerry Jones vs. former NFL player, Brent illustrates the game-changing impact if Collin Allred (the former NFL player) wins. Collin is a 35-year-old African-American who grew up without a father. Texas is popular as a habitat of the USA’s wealthiest individuals similar to Beverly Hills and is racially segregated for white people only. If Collin wins Brent added, he would have the pleasure to serve some of the great people USA has such as former President George W. Bush, Ross Perot who was a former presidential candidate and a renowned Business mogul and Mark Cuban the owner of Dallas Mavericks. According to Berry, chances of Collin winning may not be as slim as they appear to be since the Trump and Clinton race unveiled a different side of Texas. Trump garnered 46% of the votes while Hillary 48% and the population is recording an increase in the Hispanic population, therefore, illustrating that there is a chance for Collin Allred. In addition, Collin was raised in the district where he played football and used his NFL career earnings to pursue Law at The University of California Berkeley after which he worked as an attorney in the Obama administration and was even endorsed by the former President Barrack Obama (Schrotenboer page 1).
This article depicts the dynamic nature of the 21st century that has embraced different races in almost …

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