Technology has facilitated the evolution of digital surveillance and privacy resulting in the infringement of privacy rights.

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Technology has facilitated the evolution of digital surveillance and privacy resulting in the infringement of privacy rights.

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Communication

Level: Academic

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Digital surveillance and the infringement of privacy rights

Digital surveillance and the infringement of privacy rights
The advancements in technology have led to improved surveillance that is important in combating the modern problems like crime and terrorism. There are suggestions that governments and some individuals are misusing these technologies to stalk people, even those that do not engage in vices. This is an infringement on one of the fundamental rights of individuals, as stated in the constitutions of most nations in the world today. The question that arises is the way the governments can balance surveillance on individuals to ensure that they only follow the ones that are a threat to national security and do not infringe on privacy rights of the others. This paper aims to discuss digital surveillance and infringement of privacy rights.
The modern world has technological advancements aimed at making the lives of human beings easier. While many people only know the ways to use these devices to achieve their objectives, they are unaware that the government uses them for surveillance services. According to Barrett, Herrera, and Baumann (2011), most people think that surveillance is a conspiracy theory that is only available in most movies. What they fail to understand is that these films are based on the normal lives of people. Although some things maybe exaggerated, a substantial part reflects the society. To some extent, the …

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