Teacher-parent Relations

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Teacher-parent Relations

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Education

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Teacher-Parent relationship
Student’s Name
Institution’s Name
When students develop challenging behaviors, both parents and teachers must work together to deal with this challenge. Teachers face a lot of difficulties when implementing instructional strategies on students with challenging behaviors. To be successful, they need support from parents of these students and other stakeholders. There are several barriers to a positive relationship between teachers and parents of students who exhibit challenging behaviors. Lack of open communication between teachers and parents can make parents think that their children are being victimized or falsely accused of improper conduct. Students can give misleading information to parents concerning how teachers treat them causing parents to disregard the teacher’s point of view. Inadequate skills by teachers to deal with a student with challenging behaviors can escalate misunderstanding between teachers and parents of these students. Teachers can use inappropriate language which can make students respond negatively to them. Parent’s social skills are another barrier that can hinder the positive relationship. Improper social skills on either party affect the positive correlation. Teaching parents the importance of good relationship and open communication is one of the techniques to encourage the positive relationship. Students with behavioral challenges ought to be taught positive social skills. This can help them to ease the re…

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