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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Relations (PR)

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Sustainability in an Organization
Why sustainability is such a complex and challenging issue for contemporary organizations
Sustainability refers to an approach to a business that takes into consideration economic, social and ecological or environmental perspectives (Banerjee, 2011). Sustainability is, therefore, a holistic benefit that also has a longtime future that will generate more profits for the stakeholders. Thus an organization that aims to be sustainable is required to focus on their performance in three basic dimensions. They have to focus on the performance economically, socially and ecologically. The reason why sustainability is not easy to achieve in an organization because of the occurrences of these three dimensions all moving towards before directions. The organization does not find it easy to focus on better sustainability. It is this reason that it is not easy for many organizations today to obtain durability.
How to simplify the challenges in supply chain perspective
Climatic changes, as well as de environmental destructions, present amazon list to the supply chain. Hence, there must be an avoidance of wastes so that to develop a better supply chain to build relationships with the manufacturers. One of them is using communication to make a relationship with the manufacturers (Haugh, and Talwar, 2010).
Why corporate CEOs tend to stress growth over cost reduction, yet think of supply chain management more as an area for cost redu…

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