success plans goals

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success plans goals

Category: Business Plan

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Success Plan Goals
Goal setting is an encouraged practice, especially when there is so much to do. It keeps one on course with what matters since it involves the prioritization of tasks according to the necessity (Strickland and Galimba 2). It also helps one to keep track of their progress and to identify any existing weaknesses. This paper identifies three goals that I deem important to me and evaluates their significance towards improving my life.
The first goal is to enhance my knowledge and skills in content writing within the next six months. I feel this goal will have much bearing on my career aspiration of becoming a blogger. I know getting hands-on is the best way to have my ideas factored in, rather than seeking assistance from someone else, who may not understand what I envision for my blog. Besides, helping me limit any financial expenses that I may incur in seeking professional help, getting savvy in content writing increases the likelihood of diversifying my career to offer consultation services. The same will improve my tech skills and get my name out there, putting me at a chance to land some other advanced job in future.
The second goal is to establish and enlarge my social network by making friends and connections with other related professionals. This goal I should accomplish within the coming twelve months. It is a goal that will, to a large extent, determine how fast I secure a job and establish a career. It is vital for…

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