Study an specific carreer that i didnt like it

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Study an specific carreer that i didnt like it

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Consumer

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Specific Career That I Didn’t Like
Most of my family members have pursued their career in medicine and health sciences. It was a daily narrative from my dad that everyone in the family should study medicine and adopt his career path because he had connections in the field and after school, we were promised of running the family business. Dad ever motivated me in doing well in science subjects and mathematics since my elementary level. I was so much determined to follow his path until when I realized that most of the time I spent in the studio either playing guitar or writing some lyrics with my friends and shared some drinks where I could take my favorite sweet pulpy orange juice. One thing I did not like about studying health care was the fragrances of medicines and ever pitying with several health conditions. I I slowly developed the habit of playing guitar and piano every day and thought to myself that I would study music when I join college. I bought a red velvet guitar with a smooth surface. I used to play high pitched melodies on the guitar.
My father was so much against my career choice that he adamantly refused to pay my school fees if I chose to pursue music. There was a sudden cut in communication between dad and me because he perceived me as lazy, and this led to my mental oppression (Park, Sihyun, & Park). I made several attempts to convince him, but he did not just borrow my ideas. I felt stigmatized, discriminated upon …

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