Strategic Plan Paper

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Strategic Plan Paper

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Strategic plan for Riordan
Institutional Affiliation
Importance of Strategic Plan
Organizations around the world are trying very hard to sustain their market share and improvise mechanism that will help them defeat their competitors. Managers at Riordan should make decisions that will help the company attain the aims with an effective number of resources. When planning, there are key considerations that the top leaders try to use and strategize on how they will be implemented for instance methods to increase the clientele base and make sure that their consumers are happy. The use of technology in service delivery has been integrated into most firms because leaders have known that it will help in several ways like reducing operational cost. Strategic management and planning have been used to make sure that an enterprise functions properly, and production is good hence increasing customer loyalty. The reasons as why Riordan needs a strategic plan is as discussed below.
The strategic plan aims at describing the goals of a company and not necessarily how they are achieved (Bryson, 2011). These plans help in making sure that Riordan understands how to indulge its members to achieve the targets. The first reason as to why the functionalities are important is because they provide direction and focus to the firm. Staff gets to know the required parameters that they are needed to offer since they see the result and will try to fit in to accomplish their tasks. During …

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