Statistical Thinking

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Statistical Thinking

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: Academic

Pages: 11

Words: 3025

Statistical Thinking
Name of the Student
Statistical Thinking
Critique 1
Citation (Use APA style):
Elzarka, S. (2012): Technology Use in Higher Education Instruction, PhD Thesis at Claremont Graduate University, USA.
Research questions:
What are the variables that most impact the use of education technologies for instructional purposes in higher education?
Sub-research questions include:
What is the personal use of technology factors leading to professional adoption?
What learning benefits (as believed by faculty) predict technology adoption?
What are the self-perceptions of performance quality as an instructor (efficacy) and their impacts on technology use?
What are the impacts of institution policies regarding reward and workload reduction on technology use?
What is the relationship between technology use and barriers such as training provider and technical problem-solving?
Participants and sampling method:
203 higher education professionals from the education college department or college.
Using the membership list from a large professional organization a random number generator was selected 379 people, out of 22,540, who were asked to participate in the survey.
A limit of two participants per institution.
Independent Variable(s):
IVs were organized into the following overarching constructs:
Barrier to use of education tech (B)

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