Speech Analysis Revised

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Speech Analysis Revised

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Malala’s United Nation Speech Analysis
Malala’s speech at the United Nation (UN) got the world attention. Her survival after being shot on the head made her a symbol of the obscenity and infidels by the Taliban (Malala n.p). Nonetheless, her speech focused on moderation and dignity for the Muslim women. Her speech was of substance, grace, and power.
Malala’s speech had the element of persuasiveness. Through her speech, she was able to convince the audience to support his particular point of view, and that was to achieve a common goal of peace and equality. She further advocates for youths to stand their ground and fight for compulsory education in the entire world.
The speaker had analyzed well the audience as she used the podium to speak out about the right of every child to have an education. She understands that UN has the mandate of helping the warring nation. Thus, she used the chance to campaign on education rights for the girl child. Besides, the narrative of the incidence captured the attention of the audience. The audience, on the other hand, is fully captured in the speech where a pin drop silence can be heard as Malala gave the speech. Besides, the audience is further seen to be engaged in the address as they responded with claps.
Malala speech portrayed an organized talk as she first introduces herself and gives out the reason why she is addressing the audience. The transition of her remarks from …

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