specific learing objectives

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specific learing objectives

Category: Paraphrasing

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Date Specific Learning Objectives
The handling of clients in a healthcare facility requires a high level of attendance and punctuality to provide quality treatment services. What was learned from the accurate physical and mental assessments calls for total nursing care within the scope of treatment but it is necessary to understand the physical, cultural, emotional, as well as spiritual needs of clients. To meet the required needs of patients, maintaining an attitude of cooperation with instructors, clients, and staff in the healthcare facility is critical in foreseeing the deliverance of quality in all the areas of nursing care. Besides embracing an attitude of cooperation with the clients, the maintenance of active motivation along with the initiative towards the assignment of the types of assessments equally counts for one to learn about them.
From the completion of the clinical rotation in a clinical setting, I learned that a principal concern or issue in pediatric is successfully undertaking a procedure manifesting whether medications are influential to the cardiac rhythmic parameters of infants. Notably, this includes their measurements such as level of BP, RR, temperature, and HR associated with measured heights, chest, abdomen, and head circumference. When deviations from the normal values occur in RR, BP, HR, and temperature, the appropriate strategy involves an adjustment on the predetermined set of nursing care (Prasad et al. 1). Fo…

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