Specific Alcohols of the world and their respective Geographic conditions

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Specific Alcohols of the world and their respective Geographic conditions

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Geography

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

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Geo alcoholism
Alcohol ranks third among the most consumed beverages in the world. Different societies practiced alcoholism for various reasons, leading to Geo alcoholism. Geo alcoholism refers to the production and consumption of specific alcohol brands, in particular, regions. The alcohol belt categories are beer, wine, and whiskey. Each belt or region was synonymous with a particular alcohol type consumed and produced within the belt. Production of alcohol is dependent on the geographical conditions, before the advancement of technology in producing alcohol. Some of the geographical conditions that affect production and consumption of alcohol include; geographical features, precipitation, vegetation and population movement. Today, the different alcohol types are consumed globally depending on availability, cultural consideration, health policies and prices of available brands. The essay evaluates the how the geographical conditions in the area affect production and consumption of alcohol in the alcohol belts.
Geographical Features
Geographical features hugely affected the production and consumption of alcohol in the three belts (Gruenewald and Andrew 540). Geographical features are God-made or human-made bodies within the surface of the earth. Ecosystems, water bodies, mountains, valleys, swamps are classic examples of geographical features. The existence of geographical features determines the soil type and plan…

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