special education assessment article or assessment article

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special education assessment article or assessment article

Category: Article

Subcategory: Algebra

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Special Education Assessment Article
Submission Date:
According to Reschly (1996), schools evaluate students with disabilities or those suspected to have disabilities to find out whether they are suitable for the services provided in special education. Further, the students are examined to understand those found suitable for the special education, the kinds of services they look forward to their needs. Also, various states use this evaluation to establish the amount of financial assistance the schools are likely to get so that they can meet the special needs of the student. This summary looks into the challenges that come with special education evaluation for disability student.
One key fact with these assessments is that they are not uniform and acceptable in all states and territories. Thus, in some states, the evaluation can classify students presenting identical traits as disabled while in case they move from school district to another or across state borders they may be reclassified. More so, clear medical diagnosable disabilities are noticed by the parents or the pediatrician immediately upon delivery of the child or in early years of school. However, unfortunately, more often than not, not until children present severe behavioral problems or chronic achievement do parents or class teachers refer the children for evaluation.
Furthermore, speech-language and learning abilities differ in their presentation by age, with these disab…

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