Someone or something we have taken for granted

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Someone or something we have taken for granted

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Social Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Someone or Something We Have Taken For Granted
Student’s Name

Someone or Something We Have Taken For Granted
Taking someone or something for granted means underestimating the value of the person or something; it may also mean expecting someone or someone to be always there. Individuals like taking things for granted including life, partners, and friends. Our life comprises of our health, family and friends, time, etc. However, we tend to take for granted the things that make our lives worthwhile. This paper discusses how we have taken life for granted despite its importance.We think that sleeping and waking up in the morning alive every day is just normal. We never think that something could happen in our sleep such that we won’t wake up. In this way, we take being alive for granted since something can happen. There are those who die accidentally in mudslides, bomb blasts, etc. while sleeping (Sklare, 2018). Therefore, waking up alive should not be taken for granted.
Our friends and family make our life more beautiful. However, we tend to take them for granted. Consequently, we never treat them with the kindness, love, and respect they deserve (Sklare, 2018). These are the very people we need to adore. By taking them for granted, we end up hurting them.
People also take time for granted. Age shows us time is precious and it passes quickly in its way. After getting mature, it’s when we wonder where all those years went (Sklare, 2018). Lost time can …

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