some people think that a person can never understand the culture of a country unless they speak the language. Do you agree with this opinion ?

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some people think that a person can never understand the culture of a country unless they speak the language. Do you agree with this opinion ?

Category: Expository Essay

Subcategory: Composition

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Course code
Define culture
Relationship between language and culture
Thesis: Language is important in understanding culture
Why language is important in understanding culture
Contribution of culture in learning language
Summarize on the importance of language in understanding culture
Culture and Language
Culture is all the accepted patterns of behavior of a given group of people. Culture binds people together because it is one of the foundations of human life that is earned by people as a result of belonging to a particular group. Therefore, culture is part of what is learned and shared by a group of people. Additionally, culture has patterns of responses that are discovered or invented during the group’s chronology of handling problems that emanate from interactions within the group itself. All the responses are considered the correct way to feel, think and act (Göranzon & Magnus, 89). They are passed on to the next generation through teaching and immersion. Culture and language are bound together because Culture is transmitted through language. Therefore, it is true that some people can never understand the culture of a given country unless they speak the language.
For anyone to fully understand the culture of a certain group of people, it is appropriate he or she should learn their language. It should be understood that the ability to create and use language is among the …

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