Sociocultural Differences in Perspectives on Aging

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Sociocultural Differences in Perspectives on Aging

Category: Cover Letter

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Sociocultural Differences in Perspectives on Aging
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Sociocultural Differences in Perspectives on Aging
African-Americans consider aging as a distinct state of life course that entails discrete changes in activities and role. Older adults in this community continue to reside in the society, with support and help for their family members. African-Americans believe in the values of responsibility to the family and home care for relatives, which explains the community’s low formal caregiver services (Zubair & Norris, 2015). While the black community honors and value their elders, their Caucasian counterparts do not always give seniors the respect they deserve. As a result, most of them seek help in nursing homes during old age. Similar to African-Americans, Hispanic culture requires children and young adults to respect elderly persons as reverence connotes admiration for oneself (Zubair & Norris, 2015). Many Hispanic families stay and support their elderly parents who cannot live independently.
Differences in cultural perspective on aging exist due to varying interpretations of old age in different societies. Also, the different household structures among diverse ethnicities affect the attitude that people hold regarding aging. African-American and Hispanic communities are highly close-knit and have strong family ties. Thus, they are more likely to support extended members of the family, including the elderly. White…

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