Social Institutions

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Social Institutions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550


Student’s NameSubject

Marriage and Family
Despite marriage being a matter of choice, it has helped me learn how important it is in my life. It has helped me to understand the significance of marriage and starting a family. First, as a family person, I am motivated every day to work hard to see my children does not lack anything. I have grown up seeing most of my friends suffering due to effects of divorce in their family. Many of my friends are from single-parent families. This influences me in that; I want to live in a society where families are a source of happiness. Every day I inspire and motivate people in a marriage to love each other and work hard to keep the family together. I have started attending seminars on family and marriage to be prepared for this step in my life. I want to see my children grow in a society whereby their parents passionately love them.
There are many religions in this world. Every child is brought up following a particular belief. Therefore, we should strive not to judge others from different religious denominations. Max Weber (1993) asserts that religion is the mother of capitalism have different impacts in my life. I have learned to respect my colleagues whom we have different beliefs (30). No religion is greater than the other, and thus I should not promote capitalism when I differ with others. Love is the basis of social interaction. Each religion teaches love, and we sh…

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