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Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Public Relations (PR)

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s Name
DateSOAP Note
S: The patient stated, “I found it difficult to perform self-feeding. I had decreased AROM, weakness and grasping of the right upper extremity hand.” She also stated “I had a problem of brushing my teeth in the morning and combing my hair. I had a limitation on the right side and decreased muscle strength.”
O: Patient participated in Range of Motion (ROM) for the RUE of arm and wrists. The patient was able to perform self-feeding independent using universal cuff and adaptive cup in the next six weeks. The patient was in a position to brush her teeth in the morning and comb her hair. The patient was able to perform toileting task and clothing management, independent.
A: Decrease in AROM hinders the patient from performing self- feeding. Patient requires therapeutic activities to increase right ROM for the RUE of arm and wrists. The patient will benefit from this activity on her ability to grasp and move eating apparatus to and from the mouth. The patient will further do finger exercise to promote a full range of motion functionality.
P: Patient will benefit from continuous therapeutic activities to increase RUE muscle strength and finger flexion. The Patient will be training to remove and pull up her lower garments while in a sitting position due to her standing imbalance.
Short-Term Goals
STG: Patient will be in a position to perform grooming task independent using assistive devices.
STG: Patient will be able to p…

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