Sleep Deprivation

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Sleep Deprivation

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

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Sleep Deprivation
One of the most widespread health complications in the world is sleep deprivation, and there is the lack of adequate cautioning concerning its increase and prevalence in the modern society. A person suffering from the lack of sleep has to contend with both temporary and permanent repercussions and is at a higher risk of suffering from several disorders. The purpose of this essay, consequently, is to examine the causes and effects of sleep deprivation and give a recommendation on how to prevent the condition.
An average human being requires about seven hours of sleep at night to be able to function properly. However, some people believe they can normally work even with fewer hours of sleep. Failure to observe the recommended duration of sleep leads to the creation of a “sleep debt,” which results from the build-up of lost sleep with time there necessitating additional hours of sleep. The group of people acknowledged to lose frequently important hours of sleep is students in colleges as well as elderly individuals. The main reason for the lack of sleep among college students is the need to meet tight deadlines while balancing social activities such as parties. Among senior citizens, the main cause is the long naps taken in the course of the day and old-age diseases such as Alzheimer’s (Colten and Bruce, 197).
Effects and Prevention
Sleep deprivation leads to some complications. Not only does i…

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