should gun control be legal

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should gun control be legal

Category: Application Letter

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Should gun control be legal?
The discussion whether guns should be allowed in the campus has been all over. This might be because of the basic reason of security. Those in the campus, that is, instructors, students and other staff think that their environment might not be safe enough and because of these they need a gun to improve their security. It is an issue that has raised concern and it is worth checking so as to hear from those affected and what they think about the same issue. The best way to gather the information was to conduct interviews around the campus so as to hear what different people have to say about the same.
Some people thought that guns should absolutely be allowed to everyone in the campus. Criminals nowadays are targeting schools and colleges where they can at least have a large body count. The reason behind these is because they are well aware that those around campuses are the most defenseless. So they can just get in freeze everyone with one gun shot and then start killing people. Suppose everyone in campus had his or her gun, these gunmen could be coming in and when they threaten to kill anyone, then the students will be well ready with their guns to defend themselves. More to that if the gunmen get a chance to kill a certain student, and then the person next can draw his or her gun and shoot the criminal to prevent him or her killing or hurting others (Roleff, 12).
Another reason why guns can be allowed is t…

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