Sexual Assault in the Military

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Sexual Assault in the Military

Category: Annotated Bibliography

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Sexual Assault in the Military
Brubaker, Sarah Jane. “Sexual assault prevalence, reporting and policies: comparing College and university campuses and military service academies.” Security Journal 2009: 56-72. Print.
The article by Jane and Brubaker makes comparisons between military institutions and other normal institutions on issues of sexual assault. It provides different rates, policies and challenges in both scenarios. They make use of meta analyses to make their findings through the use of different reports from the federal government. Both scenarios provide accurate incidences of sexual assault where most males are identified to be the victims associated with the vices. The provisions by the authors provide different recommendations and security implications of women to curb such occurrences in the future. The article is vital for the research as it clearly indicates the dominant gender that is in endangered and how they can operate to ensure their security. It also highlights different policies that are often put in place to ensure security of all members within military premises.
Street, Amy E et al. “Sexual harassment and assault experienced by reservists during military service: prevalence and health correlates.” Journal of rehabilitation research and development 45.3 (2008): 409-419. Print.
According to Street, there has been sexual harassment of reservists who operate under the military rule. The author did make…

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