see the intstructions below- definitions

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see the intstructions below- definitions

Category: Essay Outline

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Academic

Pages: 5

Words: 1375


Nursing can be stated as the safeguarding, optimizing and promoting of human well-being and capabilities in the prevention of injury and illness, through the mitigation of anguish by treating and diagnosing human reaction. It also supports the care of families, populations and communities. Nurses make the major group of staff in any give health facility setting, for instance, the hospital and are a vital part of the healthcare group. Nurses do work in all sort of health environment from emergency and accident to patients’ homes, having people of all backgrounds and ages. This paper is about some terms that are closely related to nursing as a profession.
Section A
The aim of training is the expansion of knowledge concerning human understanding by the use of creative research and conceptualization. This information is the scientific channel to having the art of nursing. The discipline-specific information is given at birth and nurtured in academic surroundings where education and research move the information to different level of knowledge. The nursing as a discipline incorporates the understanding of the existing theories and frameworks that are rooted in the simultaneity models and totality. Such frameworks and models explained the nature of nursing as a key phenomenon of concern i.e. the human-universe-health practice. The body mind spirit view is particulate with an emphasis on the bio-psycho-social-sp…

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