Security Assessment

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Security Assessment

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name:
Course Number:
Security Assessment
Healthcare is an essential pillar of the society. Governments are using huge percentages of their budgets to avail quality healthcare to their citizens. Furthermore, when patients walk into a medical facility and pay, they expect quality healthcare in return. Healthcare information systems are one of the factors that have significantly boosted the quality of healthcare offered in modern hospitals (Menachemi and Singh 5). This paper discusses some of the common health information systems and how they have impacted the delivery of medical services.
Clinical Administrative Health Information Systems
Almost every department in a health institution processes a patient’s administrative data. For example, the nurse, the pharmacist, and the finance department will use a patient’s personal information such as name and age. Clinical, administrative health information systems are built around electronic patient records, which are patients’ information in digital form (Menachemi and Singh 10).
Clinical, administrative health information systems centralize data entry and processing. Through this, they avoid duplication of administrative data and ensure efficient use of resources. Additionally, with clinical, administrative systems, updating of patient’s records becomes significantly easier than it would have been without a centralized data processing system (Menachemi and Singh 15).
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