Search for Sources

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Search for Sources

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Forestry

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Search for Sources on Business Administration
Sources from Galileo
Akwetey, Lawrence M. Business Administration for Students and Managers. Bloomington, Ind.: Trafford Publishing, 2011. Print.
This book focuses on creating awareness about environmental issues related to a business world. The book gives students and managers pursuing business administration the knowledge on the global business environment, marketing, and financial megamenu, and operations and human resources management. It also helps the students and managers to understand logistics supply chain and process re-engineering manage as well as the importance of ICT in a business world.
Marques, Joan, Satinder Dhiman, and Svetlana Holt. Business Administration Education: Changes in Management and Leadership Strategies. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012. Internet resource.
This book provides an insight into the current changes in the leadership and management strategies to correspond to environmental needs in business administrations. The book is based on the collaboration of experienced scholars who shares a blend of insights and experiences regarding the emerging paradigms in the administration of education as a business. Additionally, through a holistic view, the book calls for greater awareness, explores the impact of educational change, and analysis the global future and context.
Thuis, Peter, and Rienk Stuive. Business Administration. London: Routledge…

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